Yoga 1

Jewel Lee | Chef de Tribu
26 novembre, 2019 09:45 | 60 min.

À propos de la classe

We have a group of seniors at this centre, however it is opened to everyone who can make it for this time on this day. We get teenagers to 82 year-olds as it is not about age, it is more about where you are in your practice and the way you feel in your body. Some seniors feel so fit that they are doing the same at the same intensity as a teenager who is only 13-14 year-old! I specialize in back alignment care, but we do everything from head to toes.
Pour tous

À propos du chef de tribu


Jewel Lee

Enseignant de Yoga
Jewel is certified in many styles from Hatha to Yin with postural alignment and backcare as her specialty. She teaches with heart and authenticity as she only shares what she has tested and proven to be beneficial on all levels. From postures, breathing techniques to guided Savasana, she facilitates her group to tune in and ease

Où ça?

Association récréative Milton-Parc
3555 Rue Saint-Urbain
Montréal, QC

À propos du lieu
Ajouter à mes favoris

Association récréative Milton-Parc
Studio de yoga
marker 4759.4km
This is a community centre, open to all ages. Drop-in or seasonal packages available. The yoga room is downstairs from the reception.     Voir le profil


Chef de Tribu

Chefs de tribu

Retraites de yoga




Studios de yoga

Studios de yoga