All level alignment yoga

Jewel Lee | Chef de Tribu
25 mai, 2018 17:30 | 60 min.

À propos de la classe

There are no levels, no age, no size, no gender in yoga. No need to say therapeutic when we respect our levels and adapt to each individual. The real source of yoga is therapeutic in nature. We will practice Alignment yoga based on Hatha and inspired from Iyengar but always taking into account our modern body's anatomy. Everybody is welcomed for this class. Come with your yoga mat, in comfortable clothes with your water bottle.
Pour tous

À propos du chef de tribu


Jewel Lee

Enseignant de Yoga
Jewel is certified in many styles from Hatha to Yin with postural alignment and backcare as her specialty. She teaches with heart and authenticity as she only shares what she has tested and proven to be beneficial on all levels. From postures, breathing techniques to guided Savasana, she facilitates her group to tune in and ease

Où ça?

Studio Yoga Nat
5450 Côte-des-Neiges
Suite 400
Montréal, QC

À propos du lieu
Ajouter à mes favoris

Studio Yoga Nat
Studio de yoga
marker 4763.7km
Recently established in the Côte-des-Neiges neighborhood, Studio Yoga Nat's mission is to inform people about the importance of cultivating a balanced lifestyle, healthy fitness and peaceful mind. The studio also aims to stimulate community life around the neighborhood, bringing together the people who live there, as well     Voir le profil


Chef de Tribu

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Studios de yoga