Sangha Flow

Marie-eve Lamoureux | Tribe Leader
July 21, 2019 10:00 AM | 90 min.

About the Class

Hatha Yoga encompasses the various physical styles of yoga. It attempts to balance mind and body through physical postures and controlled breathing, as well as calming of the mind through relaxation and meditation. Many of the modern styles of yoga popular in the West derive from the Hatha Yoga school of Krishnamacharya (who taught from 1924 until 1989), including the styles of Ashtanga, Iyengar, Integral, Satyananda and Sivananda.
Regular Class

About the Tribe Leader


Marie-eve Lamoureux

Yoga Teacher
Marie-Ève est une professeure de yoga attentionnée, douce, passionnée et enthousiaste. Elle transmet cet art de vivre millénaire avec sagesse et profondeur. Elle a été initié au yoga en 2001, à l’âge de 17 ans. Elle avoue que le yoga a changé sa perception de la vie. Il l’a aidé à connecter à son essence

Where to?

Yoga Sangha
4412 Boul St-Laurent
Montréal, QC

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