Yoga Morning Flow

Véronique Landry | Tribe Leader
June 20, 2019 7:15 AM | 60 min.

About the Class

Yoga flow focuses on breathing, just as many other yoga classes do. It is a yoga routine that focuses on the successive transition from one yoga posture to another. Coordinating breathing and movement is the main goal of yoga flow - it is more important than the yoga figure itself (although we continue to practice of course). Imagine yoga as a dance - a rhythmic movement perfectly coordinated with your breathing to the point of forming a beautiful sequence that will satisfy your body and your mind.
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About the Tribe Leader


Véronique Landry

Yoga Teacher
I started yoga at the age of 18 with a "yoga for dummies" dvd. The main reasons were physical as my job (model) asked me to have a tone and lean body. I then tried a studio in Toronto, it was new, hot and "hip" so it fitted my requirements . I still remember coming

Where to?

Mouvement Humain - St-Hubert
6334-A St-Hubert
Montréal, QC

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Mouvement Humain - St-Hubert
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marker 4759.8km
Situés au coeur du quartier Rosemont, les deux magnifiques studios Mouvement Humain vous accueillent dans leurs grandes salles lumineuses pour un large choix de classes de yoga, pilates et essentrics, le tout dans une ambiance chaleureuse et accueillante.     View profile


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