MOB Pilates®

Nicolas Beaudoin | Tribe Leader
June 13, 2018 7:10 PM | 55 min.

About the Class

An exercise system focused on building strength without bulk, improving flexibility and agility, and helping to prevent injury. It involves a series of controlled movements which engage both your body and mind. The primary focus is on awareness of the spine, proper breathing, core strength and flexibility.
Regular Class

Where to?

Mouvement Humain - Masson
2710 rue Masson
Montréal, QC
H1Y 1W5

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Mouvement Humain - Masson
Yoga Studio
marker 4757.4km
BIENVENUE CHEZ MOUVEMENT HUMAIN ! Situés au coeur du quartier Rosemont, sur la Plaza Saint-Hubert ainsi que sur la Promenade Masson, les deux magnifiques studios Mouvement Humain vous accueillent dans leurs grandes salles lumineuses pour un large choix de classes de yoga, pilates et essentrics. Que vous soyez     View profile


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