Traditional Hatha Yoga from South India

Jessica Della | Chef de Tribu
23 juin, 2021 08:00 | 75 min.

À propos de la classe

We will start with a mindful moment of breath and gathering before we start. Traditional Hatha sequencing includes an initial relaxation followed by Pranayama (breathing techniques), a full body warm-up, a few rounds of Sun Salutations leading to a structured sequence of standing and sitting postures, back bends & spinal twists, balancing and strengthening poses, finally leading to a mellow cool-down which includes a final meditation & breath work before the blissful Savasana. Class sequences vary from day to day in accordance to the energy levels, expectations and experience of participants.
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À propos du chef de tribu


Jessica Della

Enseignant de Yoga
Those who don't believe in magic will never find it ... ~ Roald Dahl PLEASED TO MEET YOU! I am so happy you are here, thank you! I'm Jessica Della. Forever student, passionate teacher and happy Yogi. I have been introduced to yogic sciences almost a decade ago and have since then integrated this ancient knowledge as


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