Qi Gong

Nathalie Longtin | Tribe Leader
February 16, 2019 10:00 AM | 60 min.

About the Class

Ancient Chinese healing art combining meditation, controlled breathing, and movement exercises. Regular and consistent practice will improve physical and mental well-being and can prevent disease and improve longevity. The body is gently moved through all of its ranges of motion in movements coordinated with the breath and with a focused mental attitude. There is little striving; instead, staying relaxed and comfortable throughout the movements is of paramount importance.
Regular Class

About the Tribe Leader


Nathalie Longtin

Yoga Teacher
Passionnée des voyages et amoureuse de la vie, je choisis donc de partager la vitalité, la joie de vivre et l'amour à travers les enseignements du Yoga, du Qi Gong, de la méditation et des huiles essentielles, afin d'explorer et de s'ouvrir à tous ce qu'il y a de meilleur pour soi, notre famille et

Where to?

Studio Otha Yoga 
205, boulevard Curé Labelle
suite 102
Laval, QC

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